20: School Stories - Who is Your Person?

Connections are where learning starts. Students are able to learn when they feel comfortable, valued, and that their needs are met. Enjoy this real-life school store about connections and community among students and teachers.

Connections are where learning starts. Students are able to learn when they feel comfortable, valued, and that their needs are met. Do you ask your students, “Who is your in the school?” Who can they go to when they're having a bad day? This episode features a real-life story from Mandi Hill, a middle-school English Teacher from Memphis, Tennessee.

Publication Date: 
2 years 2 months ago

8: School Stories - The Humanity in Educators

It's important to see the humanity in each other. Teachers, leaders, and students all have things going on in their own lives. When we have fun, laugh, and enjoy school, we can also be supporting one another in very important ways!

Joy, love, kindness, and empathy are so important in our school buildings and within our school communities. It's also important to remember that teachers need to be upheld as valuable assets within those communities and that each teacher is an individual on a personal and professional journey. This episode features some real-world school stories from Dr. Lance Forman that focus on "the humanity in educators."

Publication Date: 
2 years 9 months ago