This “Always Learning” episode of the Ayers All Access podcast focuses on using technology to make us more efficient and effective educators. Dr. Ronda Blevins, an Assistant Professor of Education at Carson-Newman University shares practical tips for redirecting your time toward instruction and students: automating processes, prepared learning supports, and communicating using technology.

Three ways to find 30 extra minutes in your school day:
- Automation of processes (QR codes, online forms, etc.)
- Preparation of learning/student supports (documents, videos, etc.)
- Communicating through technology (newsletter, blog, text messaging, etc.)
The Lipscomb College of Education and Ayers Institute for Learning & Innovation host the annual IGNITE Conference each Fall.
Ronda's IGNITE Conference session information and supporting materials are available on the eduTOOLBOX® academic resource-sharing portal. This includes a "Tech Tool Database" spreadsheet with links to helpful educational technology tools.
Flowcode is a QR Code generator that includes 5 free or monthly/annual subscription pricing.
"My favorite thing to ask is: 'Is this Googleable'?" —Ronda Blevins
The Perfect Chaos podcast features David and Ronda Blevens addressing education-related questions and topics. You can read their blog entries and subscribe to receive the podcast episodes.
- Producer & Host: Karen Marklein
- Engineer & Editor: Forrest Doddington