Emily Mofield, author of "Vertical Differentiation for Gifted Advanced and High-Potential Students" shares 3 instructional strategies that can be used to "bump up" the rigor and the challenge within educational activities. Dr. Mofield is an Assistant Professor of Education at Lipscomb University where she co-leads the graduate program in Gifted & Advanced Academics and teaches in the doctoral program. Previously in her career, Dr. Mofield has served as a middle-school teacher and a district leader in Gifted Education.

Dr. Emily Mofield's Book:
Vertical Differentiation for Gifted Advanced and High-Potential Students (2022)
Available for purchase at Routledge Press and Amazon.com
Resources Mentioned:
- Project Zero’s mission is to understand and nurture human potentials –such as learning, thinking, ethics, intelligence and creativity –in all human beings. Our research examines the nature of such potentials, the contexts and conditions in which they develop, and the practices that support their flourishment.
“See, Think, Wonder”
A routine for exploring works of art and other interesting things. -
“Five Why’s” strategy
Getting to the Root of a Problem Quickly -
Essential Questions
Questions that any thoughtful, intellectually-alive person ponders and should keep pondering. - Hattie’s framework of “surface, deep, and transfer learning”
Frey, N., Fisher, D., & Hattie, J. (2017). Surface, Deep, and Transfer? Considering the Role of Content Literacy Instructional Strategies. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 60(5), 567–575. - Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
Categorizing tasks according to the complexity of thought they require is one way for teachers to create a rich learning environment.
“Gifted education is about providing rigor and challenge, but also authentic, meaningful, joyful learning experiences so that they stay excited about learning and so that they can reach their potential.”
—Dr. Emily Mofield
“I believe there are more gifted children than we are identifying. A gifted child is not just someone with an IQ of 140. There are high-potential students in every school, and perhaps their giftedness isn't pulled out yet. When high-quality curriculum and robust instruction is provided, it reveals talent. Until a student has an opportunity to show creativity, we're not going to see it.”
—Dr. Emily Mofield
“Creative thinking is not about buying glitter from the dollar tree and throwing it on the poster. Creativity is where students have to apply insightful connections or improve something or come up with a new idea. These strategies provide a structure that makes sure that whatever the students are producing is truly rigorous.”
—Dr. Emily Mofield
- Producer & Host: Karen Marklein
- Engineer & Editor: Forrest Doddington