We’ve gathered questions from current teachers and leaders from all across the state of Tennessee for this "Ask Me Anything" episode about coaching. We will be posing your questions to Dr. Karen Marklein, an experienced educator and coach who is currently serving as the Director of Programs for the Ayers Institute for Learning & Innovation at Lipscomb University’s College of Education.

Watch an on-demand replay of the Ayers Institute Webinar "Advice I Would Give Myself as a New Coach." (Free eduTOOLBOX user account required.)
Watch the INVEST Video "Building a Culture of Coaching." (Free eduTOOLBOX user account required.)
A coach is a job embedded professional learning facilitator focused on student growth.
–Dr. Karen Marklein
All research will point to the fact that coaching needs to be voluntary, teacher driven, based in teacher need, and driven by those teachers’ goals.
–Dr. Karen Marklein
Aguilar, E. (2005). The Art of Coaching: Effective strategies for school transformation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Folkman, Joseph (2014, January 30). “In 2014 are you fixing your weakness, or building your strength? Here’s what matters most.” Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/joefolkman/2014/01/30/in-2014-are-you-fixin...
Knight, J. (2009, March). “What can we do about teacher resistance?" Phi Delta Kappan 90(7), 508-513.
Knight, J. (2019, November 1). “Why teacher autonomy is central to coaching success.” ASCD. Retrieved from https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/why-teacher-autonomy-is-central-to-coac....
- Producer & Guest: Karen Marklein
- Host, Engineer, & Editor: Forrest Doddington