24: What I Want My Mentor Teacher to Know

Consider how we can maximize the impact of student-teaching experiences by hearing directly from two current teaching candidates.

Mentor teachers are essential to successful field experiences for pre-service teacher candidates. Real classrooms are important training grounds for future educators. Let’s consider how we can maximize the impact of student-teaching experiences. In this episode, Payton Dishman and Alondra Ramirez, two teacher candidates attending the College of Education at Lipscomb University, discuss important concepts they want mentor teachers to know about teacher candidates.

Publication Date: 
5 years 3 weeks ago

22: School Budgeting with Students in Mind

Examine the process for determining a school's most important needs in order to establish a functional and effective school budget.

Budgeting is an important element of education leadership, and it can be a daunting task. Examine the process for determining a school's most important needs in order to establish a functional and effective school budget. Practical information and insights are provide by Dr. Kesha Walrond, an Assistant Professor in Lipscomb's College of Education (and former MNPS Principal) and Dr. Shawnna Pierce, a current Principal in Metro Nashville Public Schools.

Publication Date: 
5 years 7 months ago

21: What Teachers Need to Know About Teens & Social Media

Ways to help teachers understand teen use of social media and how to have a positive impact through education and awareness.

Social media usage among teens has increased dramatically and most teenagers have a smartphone. Listen to a conversation between Connie White from Woodward Academy in Atlanta, GA, and Julia Osteen of the College of Education at Lipscomb University as they explore ways to help teachers understand how teens are using social media and how they can have a positive impact through education and awareness.

Publication Date: 
5 years 9 months ago

18: What the Best Mentor Teachers Do

Creating a positive teaching and learning experience for both mentor teachers and teacher candidates.

Mentor teachers are essential to successful classroom field experiences for pre-service candidates. Listen to a conversation between Dr. Junior High and Dr. Emily Medlock of the College of Education at Lipscomb University as they discuss strategies for creating a positive teaching and learning experience for both mentor teachers and teacher candidates.

Publication Date: 
6 years 7 months ago

17: Powerful Interview Questions for Hiring Educators

Hiring is a critical component of creating successful teams of teachers and leaders.

What interview questions are helpful in predicting the future performance of an educator within your organization? How can you tell they will be a good fit for your team?

Listen to a conversation between Dr. Aimee Wyatt of the Southern Regional Education Board and Dr. Rachael Milligan of the Ayers Institute at Lipscomb University about powerful interview questions.

Publication Date: 
6 years 8 months ago

16: Hiring High-Quality Educators

Great education leaders know how to hire educators who are the best fit for their organization.

Successful schools are created by successful teams. Great leaders know how to attract the best people.

Listen to a conversation between Dr. Aimee Wyatt of the Southern Regional Education Board and Dr. Rachael Milligan of the Ayers Institute at Lipscomb University about how to hire educators who are the best fit for your organization.

Publication Date: 
6 years 9 months ago

15: Mindset Shifts within Special Education - Part 2

An important goal of Special Education: providing high quality education to all students.

Special Education can be confusing at times, but our goal is always the same: providing high quality education to all students.

Listen to part two of a conversation between Dr. Misty Parsley and Dr. Robbie Hampton of the College of Education at Lipscomb University about the importance of special education.

Publication Date: 
6 years 10 months ago

14: Mindset Shifts within Special Education - Part 1

An important goal of Special Education: providing high quality education to all students.

Special Education can be confusing at times, but our goal is always the same: providing high quality education to all students.

Listen to a conversation between Dr. Misty Parsley and Dr. Robbie Hampton of the College of Education at Lipscomb University about the importance of special education.

Publication Date: 
6 years 10 months ago

10: Lessons Learned from Leadership - Part 2

Great school leaders have strong human relations and gather feedback and support from students and teachers.

Engaging the school community, building a positive school culture, and being responsive to the needs of all stakeholders are foundational elements of great schools. Listen to part two of a conversation between Dr. Robbie Hampton and Dr. Lance Foreman of Lipscomb’s College of Education as they discuss lessons they have learned from their years as public school leaders.

Publication Date: 
7 years 4 months ago

9: Lessons Learned from Leadership - Part 1

Great schools engage the community, build a positive culture, and are responsive to the needs of all stakeholders.

Engaging the school community, building a positive school culture, and being responsive to the needs of all stakeholders are foundational elements of great schools. Listen to a conversation between Dr. Robbie Hampton and Dr. Lance Foreman of Lipscomb’s College of Education as they discuss lessons they have learned from their years as public school leaders.

Publication Date: 
7 years 5 months ago
