18: What the Best Mentor Teachers Do

Creating a positive teaching and learning experience for both mentor teachers and teacher candidates.

Mentor teachers are essential to successful classroom field experiences for pre-service candidates. Listen to a conversation between Dr. Junior High and Dr. Emily Medlock of the College of Education at Lipscomb University as they discuss strategies for creating a positive teaching and learning experience for both mentor teachers and teacher candidates.

Publication Date: 
6 years 7 months ago

8: What Can Tech Coaching Do for You? - Part 2

Learn about the role and benefits of coaching with a focus on technology integration and student learning.

Julia Osteen, the Technology Integration Specialist at the Ayers Institute, highlights the roles of the teacher and the coach when technology coaches support the work of educators. Gain a helpful definition of coaching and learn how the skills of coaching can build capacity in yourself and others.

Publication Date: 
7 years 6 months ago

7: What Can Tech Coaching Do for You? - Part 1

Learn about the role and benefits of coaching with a focus on technology integration and student learning.

Julia Osteen, the Technology Integration Specialist at the Ayers Institute, highlights the new ISTE Standards for educators and how the ISTE standards for coaches support the work of educators. Gain a helpful definition of coaching and learn how coaching can build capacity in yourself and others.

Publication Date: 
7 years 8 months ago

6: Approaching Leadership with a Coaching Mindset - Part 3

How one approaches leadership is key to influencing others.

Building capacity in your team is essential to achieving the greatest results. Listen to part 3 of a conversation between Dr. Hank Staggs of the Tennessee Department of Education and Dr. Rachael Milligan of the Ayers Institute for Teacher Learning and Innovation at Lipscomb University as they discuss how to approach leadership with a coaching mindset.

Publication Date: 
7 years 9 months ago

5: Approaching Leadership with a Coaching Mindset - Part 2

How one approaches leadership is key to influencing others.

Building capacity in your team is essential to achieving the greatest results. Listen to part 2 of a conversation between Dr. Hank Staggs of the Tennessee Department of Education and Dr. Rachael Milligan of the Ayers Institute for Teacher Learning and Innovation at Lipscomb University as they discuss how to approach leadership with a coaching mindset.

Publication Date: 
7 years 10 months ago

4: Approaching Leadership with a Coaching Mindset - Part 1

How one approaches leadership is key to influencing others.

Building capacity in your team is essential to achieving the greatest results. Listen to a conversation between Dr. Hank Staggs of the Tennessee Department of Education and Dr. Rachael Milligan of the Ayers Institute for Teacher Learning and Innovation at Lipscomb University as they discuss how to approach leadership with a coaching mindset.

Publication Date: 
7 years 10 months ago